Infected By Art Book - Volume 3

Phil Morgan

Member Since November 2014


Artist: Phil Morgan


Artist: Phil Morgan


About Phil Morgan

I was fortunate enough to attend a South Florida high school that had a history of producing successfull artists, namely Tony DiTerlizzi. I received a degree in painting from the Florida School of the Arts while reading a few too many Jack Kerouac and Hunter S. Thompson books. I needed a backpack adventure, so I joined the Navy. After six years as a nuclear operator on a submarine, I remembered how much I enjoyed painting, fresh air, and the company of women. I needed a job, so I purchased some tattoo equipment and started working on friends. No one died, so I approached a shop near a college campus and started working on the public. I met my wife, got a degree in illustration from the University of Connecticut, and opened my own shop. I am the owner and sole artist at RLMG Tattoos, which is named after a motorcycle gang created by my best friends. In my spare time, I paint. I can be found on Instagram #RLMGTattoos.

Name: Phil Morgan 
Joined: November 2014

Owner and artist at RLMG Tattoos.

Location: Ellington, CT

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