Infected by Art Book - Volume 8

andrea sipl

Member Since November 2015


Artist: andrea sipl


Artist: andrea sipl


Artist: andrea sipl


About andrea sipl

Andrea is an artist who lives and breathes to show others that there is beauty where most people forget to look and can�t help but surrender to�the flicker of starting a new piece when she hasn�t created anything for a while.�Andrea�s work frequently features seraphic feminine figures with long, flowing hair, which seem to have been caught in an intimate moment the viewer was not supposed to ever witness.
With an emphasis on companionship, trust and innocence, she tries to study the special bond that can exist between women and animals and turn its enigma into an expressible thought. Sometimes, her journey of revealing the beauty of nature leads her through enchanted forests, while other times, it is best continued through an artistic nude. No matter the theme of the piece, the �Awww(e)� factor should be transparent and convey an eerie kind of beauty.
Name: andrea sipl 
Joined: November 2015
Projects: currently working on a New personal series of painting based and inspired by my last trip to Italy.
Location: Atlanta, GA

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