Infected by Art Book - Volume 12

Caleb Brackett

Member Since December 2023


Artist: Caleb Brackett


Artist: Caleb Brackett


Artist: Caleb Brackett


Artist: Caleb Brackett


Artist: Caleb Brackett


About Caleb Brackett

Caleb Brackett has always been obsessed with creating. From music, to movies and visual art, creating stories to tell in different mediums ­has been a driving force in his life.

As a child in Southern New England, he would create short films bringing to life inanimate objects with his friends in the backyard. He would go on to write and record his own songs. His late teens and early twenties where spent traveling around America performing in basements, bars, and any dwelling that would allow the racket. His passion for drawing and the visual arts led him to the lifelong pursuit of studying art full time. He receive a BFA in Illustration from the Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford Studying under Dennis Nolan, Bill Thomson and Doug Anderson

Since graduation, Caleb has work with local bands, businesses and developing personal projects to grow his visual vocabulary, He currently lives and works in Eastern Connecticut with his partner and two cats.

Name: Caleb Brackett 
Joined: December 2023
Location: Connecticut

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