Infected By Art Book - Volume 4

Danea Fidler

Member Since December 2014


Artist: Danea Fidler


Artist: Danea Fidler


Artist: Danea Fidler


About Danea Fidler

Four eyed creatures, bird like mammals, and carnivorous monsters are found roaming the spectacular realms of Danea Fidler’s mind. She has a passion for the natural world, which she draws upon to design and create imaginary creatures and surreal domains. Danea always is on the lookout for new and wondrous concepts that help her bring these illusions to life.  Her worlds become a reality to her every time she picks up a pencil, pen, or paint brush and she hopes to give that same feeling to anyone who views her work. Dedicated, passionate, and hardworking are what Danea will always be when it comes to her artwork and she hopes that it shows.

Danea currently resides in Black Hawk, Colorado, but can often be found seeking inspirations in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains or deep into her extensive library. She has a Bachelors of Fine Art in Illustration from Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design and currently collaborates with the Denver Illustration Salon and runs a zoo sketch group. She really tries to help other artists better their art by learning and understanding how animals move and act in the natural world, and will also do anything to help the animals that inspire her so.

Name: Danea Fidler 
Joined: December 2014
Location: Black Hawk, CO

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